Research Article
University of Port Harcourt Student-Teachers’ Self-Determination and Hindrances Towards Learning Online During COVID-19
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1 Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, NIGERIA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 6(1), February 2022, 3-11,
Submitted: 18 October 2021, Published: 03 January 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1315 Views 805 Downloads
This analytical survey focused on investigating the level of student-teachers’ self-determination towards learning online during COVID-19 at the University of Port Harcourt and the hindrances they experienced. Two objectives and six hypotheses guided the study. The population was two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-seven (2,767) student-teachers in the Faculty of Education with a sample size of six hundred and twelve (612) drawn randomly from the population. The study gathered data using the researchers’ developed questionnaire with a 0.76 alpha reliability coefficient. Data analyses were through mean, standard deviation, t-test, and Welch test. The results disclosed that the University of Port Harcourt student-teachers’ self-determination level to learning online during COVID-19 was high; this varies significantly based on study years, departments and gender. Lecturers’ inability to develop online courses and distractions during learning online, among others, were the hindrances that affected the student-teachers’ self-determination towards online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. These hindrances vary significantly based on the student-teachers’ study years and departments but were insignificant on a gender basis. Among the recommendations were that the University of Port Harcourt should train its lecturers to develop online courses and deliver them through Learning Management Systems dedicated solely for online learning purposes.
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