Research Article

Examining the Extended Advertising Value Model: A Case of TikTok Short Video Ads

Bayu Dwinanda 1 , Fandi Andi Syaripuddin 1 , ​ Hudaifi 1 , Evelyn Hendriana 1 *
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1 Business Management, Management Department, Binus Business School Master Program, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 6(2), June 2022, 35-44,
Submitted: 22 November 2021, Published: 27 February 2022
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Nowadays, TikTok social media has rapidly developed which creates an opportunity for marketers to grab customers’ attention by displaying short video ads. For this reason, knowledge of the factors that can influence customer purchase intentions is needed so that marketing strategies can work effectively. This study aims to investigate the effects of the entertainment, informativeness, credibility, irritation, personalization, and interactivity elements of TikTok short video ads on purchase intention through advertising value and attitude toward advertising. A survey was conducted by collecting response from 486 TikTok active users in Indonesia which later analyzed by using PLS-SEM. The results showed that all elements of video advertising on TikTok, except irritation and informativeness, affected purchase intention through perceived advertising value and attitude toward advertising. Among the significant elements of advertising value, personalization had the greatest positive influence on purchase intention through advertising value and attitude toward advertising on brands that advertised in TikTok.


Dwinanda, B., Syaripuddin, F. A., Hudaifi, ​., & Hendriana, E. (2022). Examining the Extended Advertising Value Model: A Case of TikTok Short Video Ads. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 6(2), 35-44.


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