Research Article

The Study of the Opinions of the Teachers Working in the Field of Special Education towards their Level of Burnout and Life Satisfaction (TRNC Sample)

Ozlem Ozturk 1 * , Ulku Piskin Abidoglu 2, Oya Ertugruloglu 3
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1 Karabuk Mehmet Mescier Private Education Job Application Center, Karabuk, TURKEY2 Cyprus International University, Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education, Haspolat, CYPRUS3 Vice-Chancellor, American University of Cyprus, Nicosia, CYPRUS* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 1(2-3), December 2017, 73-82,
Published: 20 November 2017
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The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of special education teachers on their burnout levels and life satisfaction. In this research, Maswlach Burnout Scale (MBS) and Life Satisfaction Scale (LSS) were used. The population of the study involves 67 special education teachers (35 female and 32 male teachers) who are employed in elementary schools governed by the Ministry of National Education System in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. These schools have special education centers and resource rooms. The findings showed that there are significant differences between the burnout levels of the teachers in terms of their age, their status of working and not working with a specific group of people with disability. The findings also revealed significant differences between their life satisfaction and their field of study. In addition, a perfect negative correlation was found between the participants’ scores of MPS and LSS.


Ozturk, O., Piskin Abidoglu, U., & Ertugruloglu, O. (2017). The Study of the Opinions of the Teachers Working in the Field of Special Education towards their Level of Burnout and Life Satisfaction (TRNC Sample). Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 1(2-3), 73-82.


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