Research Article
The Expectations and Reality of E-Learning
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1 Ilam University, Ilam, IRAN* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 6(2), June 2022, 61-66,
Submitted: 03 February 2022, Published: 25 March 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1412 Views 1055 Downloads
Following the historical and technological shifts that led to the wide emergence of transformative educational methods, this study offers a developmental perspective to the reality of E-learning. The study further discusses the development of E-learning applications and assess the availability and appropriateness of the educational curriculum and related pedagogical constructs in an Internet networked learning environment. In addition, there is an attempt to address the theoretical foundations of E-learning environments and the educational implications and affordance in the contexts of E-learning. The study, meanwhile, focuses on the effectiveness of E-learning, its advantages and disadvantages and explores how virtual learning is enhanced by merging its principles with the use of new technologies in education, how virtual learning may be improved by integrating educational principles with the use of modern technologies in the classroom, and how modern social practices influence the roles of both instructors and students.
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