Research Article
SentiSfaction: New cultural way to measure tourist COVID-19 mobility in Italy
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1 University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, ITALY* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 7(1), February 2023, 29-41,
Submitted: 05 September 2022, Published: 01 January 2023
OPEN ACCESS 940 Views 602 Downloads
From a psycho-linguistic and marketing perspective, the research fits into the evaluation of in the context of tourism and, in particular, tourism mobility, targeting one of the leading Italian rail transport companies, namely Trenitalia. This study, conducted on tweets, aims to examine how talks about the transport service offered by Trenitalia. A total of 674 tweets for the tourist season 2019 and 100 tweets for the tourist season 2020 were collected following the pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 period. The methodology is the application of sentiment analysis (SA) that produces quantitative and qualitative results. For the quantitative part, the sentiment was calculated first automatically via the Sentistrength software, then an extraction of the frequencies and calculation of the dependence (Chi-square statistic and t-test) between year and polarity was conducted with R, statistical software. The results show that SA is a good methodology of analysis of the online reputation and customer satisfaction of a company that deals with tourism, also in the difference between pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 period.
Papapicco, C. (2023). SentiSfaction: New cultural way to measure tourist COVID-19 mobility in Italy. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 7(1), 29-41.
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