Research Article

Perception on EMI amidst medical university students: A bane or a boon?

Chahrazed Hamzaoui 1 *
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1 University of Ain-Temouchent, ALGERIA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 9(1), February 2025, 3-7,
Submitted: 04 May 2024, Published Online: 28 January 2025, Published: 01 February 2025
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Recently, the Algerian government has been struggling to refine higher education outcomes and to enhance scientific research crop. A key-measure to reaching this objective is showing interest to foreign languages notably English. This paper investigates medical students’ perception towards a conceivable implementation of English as a medium of instruction rather than French at Tlemcen University after a governmental decision accompanied with concrete measures in other scientific and technical streams. By using an online qualitative survey with 150 participants, the findings revealed that the learners confess the significance of English alongside its utility. However, they are still reluctant on the adoption of English as a medium of instruction and prefer to continue their studies in French. Some reasons behind this proclivity cover lack of sources in English, lack of ill-trained teachers and fear of academic failure. Another interesting result is the students’ discontent with the way the initiative has been implemented, for they are ill-trained for such a sudden linguistic swap. In the aftermath, the paper ends with some implications.


Hamzaoui, C. (2025). Perception on EMI amidst medical university students: A bane or a boon?. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 9(1), 3-7.


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