Research Article

A Design for Graduate Students of Ceit Department Using Community of Practice Framework

Hamza Polat 1 * , Ömer Delialioğlu 1
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1 Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara 06000, TURKEY* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 3(3), October 2019, 43-46,
Published: 01 December 2019
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Many of the faculty members in Turkey dedicate their working time on teaching, doing research, and counseling graduate students. Although teaching activities appear to be the main workload, conducting research seems to be the most important factor for academic promotions. Therefore, knowledge, skills and experience of faculty has a strong effect on higher education. On the other hand, most of the freshmen-graduate students in academic world don’t have experience design, run and report scientific research by making use of the existing literature, research design and methods.
This study focuses on the possibility for new learning environments where graduate students doing their Master of Science or Doctoral degrees could work as efficient as an experienced researcher. The graduate students in the Department of Instructional Technology at a public university in Ankara were observed to figure out the research requirements of young researchers. Community of Practice Theory (CoP) was used as a theoretical framework in doing a course design the requirement addressed in the analysis results.  As a result, a new design based on the CoP was proposed, so as to increase the productivity in academic studies.


Polat, H., & Delialioğlu, Ö. (2019). A Design for Graduate Students of Ceit Department Using Community of Practice Framework. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 3(3), 43-46.


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